Thursday, November 6, 2008

The TwitPitch - Post #4

Using Twitter to Market Your Business

You've just taken that big step and decided to start your own business. You have a great name, a cool web site and now you're ready to let everyone know that you are open for business. Then someone asks the dreaded question, "What do you do?"

How do you describe your business to this potential customer so he understands exactly what it is that you do without having to hand him your business plan?

The first thing every business owner learns is that you have to have a 30-second "elevator pitch." A good elevator pitch is short and to the point. In a few sentences you should be able to tell someone - in the time it takes to ride an elevator, what it is that your business does.

The new elevator pitch

In the world of social networking you take the same idea of the elevator pitch and narrow it down to 140 characters or less - about 20 words. 140 characters is the maximum length of a message on Twitter. If you want to get attention by using social media you have to be brief because everyone is already on information overload. A brief message with one link to your web site is all it takes.

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